Packages made by Antonio Valentino <>

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Source Binary Description
python-numexpr Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
python-numexpr-dbg Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy (debug ext)
python3-numexpr Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy
python3-numexpr-dbg Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy (debug ext)
python-tables hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5
python-tables-data hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 - test data
python-tables-dbg hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 (debug extension)
python-tables-doc hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 - documentation
python-tables-lib hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 (extension)
python3-tables hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5
python3-tables-dbg hierarchical database for Python 3 based on HDF5 (debug extension)
python3-tables-lib hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 (extension)
The source code for this portal is licensed under the GPL-3 and is available on GitHub.