
OpenPGM shared library

OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand.

This is the runtime package for programs that use the OpenPGM library.

Related packages: libpgm-dbg, libpgm-dev

Maintainer information

This software package is maintained for (Neuro)Debian by the follow individuals and/or groups:

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NeuroDebian Maintainers

In order to get support, or to get in touch with a maintainer, please click the ‘Help’ button at the top of the page.

Advanced user information

Version control system available: Browse sources

Package availability chart
Distribution Base version Our version Architectures
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze)   5.1.116~dfsg-2~nd60+1 i386, amd64
Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1    
Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-1    
Debian testing (stretch) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-2    
Debian unstable (sid) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-2    
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS “Precise Pangolin” (precise) 5.1.116~dfsg-2    
Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Tahr” (trusty) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3    
Ubuntu 14.10 “Utopic Unicorn” (utopic) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu4    
Ubuntu 15.04 “Vivid Vervet” (vivid) 5.1.118-1~dfsg-2ubuntu1    
The source code for this portal is licensed under the GPL-3 and is available on GitHub.