CNrun is a neuronal network simulator, with these features:
- a conductance- and rate-based Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, a Rall and Alpha-Beta synapses;
- a 6-5 Runge-Kutta integration method: slow but precise, adjustable;
- Poisson, Van der Pol, Colpitts oscillators and interface for external stimulation sources;
- NeuroML network topology import/export;
- logging state variables, spikes;
- implemented as a Lua module, for scripting model behaviour (e.g., to enable plastic processes regulated by model state);
- interaction (topology push/pull, async connections) with other cnrun models running elsewhere on a network, with interactions (planned).
Note that there is no `cnrun’ executable, which existed in cnrun-1.*. Instead, you write a script for your simulation in Lua, and execute it as detailed in /usr/share/lua-cnrun/examples/example1.lua.
Related packages:
cnrun-tools, libcnrun2, libcnrun2-dev
Additional information
Zavada, A., Buckley, C.L., Martinez, D., Rospars, J-P., Nowotny, T. (2011).
Competition-based model of pheromone component ratio detection in the moth. PLoS ONE, 6, e16308.