Open is not enough. Let’s take the next step: An integrated, community-driven computing platform for neuroscience
NeuroDebian is a community effort to provide a fully-integrated computational environment for neuroscience research. It features software packages that are made for the Debian operating system, but can also be found in Ubuntu, and other derivatives.
This website offers an additional service that helps scientists to set up and use a NeuroDebian-based computing environment on any major operating system with up-to-date software and data packages for MRI, electrophysiology, computational modeling of neural systems, psychophysics, and more.
Yup, we tweet.
Answer a few question and you’ll have NeuroDebian running in a few minutes.
You can enable NeuroDebian by installing the neurodebian
package that
already comes with your operating system. You can do so by, for example,
running this command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install neurodebian
Installing this package will automatically configure NeuroDebian as an additional software repository alongside your standard configuration.
NeuroDebian can be enabled on your system as an additional software repository. Run the following two commands in a terminal (copy & paste is fine). This will download the appropriate configuration based on your selection above, and will also register NeuroDebian’s cryptographic key that is used to verify the integrity of our software packages.
After selecting a release the setup code will be shown here.
Lastly, update the package index and you are ready to install packages:
sudo apt-get update
You are ready to go – enjoy NeuroDebian!
On your system NeuroDebian works best as a virtual appliance (virtual machine), a program that runs like any other application on your computer. Today’s computers can run such appliances without noticeable performance loss. To get started:
You are ready to go – enjoy NeuroDebian!
If you want a verified stable (but older) virtual appliances based on Debian 7.8 (wheezy) release, download one of the image files listed below.
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